PICK 5 CITIES!  Get Your Astocartograhpy Report - Relocation Report! You must email  @ conniejo.soulnavigation@gmail.com  with your information. Click to See Details!

PICK 5 CITIES! Get Your Astocartograhpy Report - Relocation Report! You must email @ conniejo.soulnavigation@gmail.com with your information. Click to See Details!

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Please READ all the DETAILS:
Just imagine, if you could go to any city in the world, how it would feel!  If you are thinking about moving, going on vacation or you are just curious about how things would go for you if you lived in another city, this report is for you!!  Pick 5 cities!  They can be ANYWHERE!   Astro-cartography is absolutely amazing!  This report gives you a scorecard for 10 different categories and the report gives the explanations!  You will LOVE it!

Friendship and Family:
Detailed Friendship and Family:
Love and Romance:
Vocation and Career:
Optimism and Opportunity:
Education and Communication:
Culture and Creativity:
Responsibility and Focus:
Imagination and Inspiration:
Excitement and Instability: 

In this report, you will receive 3 Different Things:
* A gorgeous Relocation Chart for each city you choose
* A scorecard for each city your choose
* An explanation of the aspects for each city you choose
ConnieJo is sending out these reports so please send your Birth Info, Date, (WRITE OUT THE MONTH PLEASE, WE ARE AMERICAN) Time of Birth, Place of Birth and then the 5 Cities you want to include in your report. Please email information to Connie Jo at: conniejo.soulnavigation@gmail.com