Meredith's "Understanding the Nodes" Masterclass, by Soul Navigation, Part 2 - Video Link

Meredith's "Understanding the Nodes" Masterclass, by Soul Navigation, Part 2 - Video Link

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In this Masterclass on the Nodes Meredith offers a really detailed powerpoint with informative slides. She gives a fairly deep and moving overview on the sign placements on the Nodes. She also shows a slide-show on the house placements -- that you can start and stop and read the slides on the houses at your own pace.

However what is different in this Masterclass is Meredith discusses the meaning of the major ASPECTS of planets to the SN and NN. She also goes into the Aspects to the Ascendant. Meredith also discusses briefly the rulers of the Nodes too. In this class Meredith answers questions from the audience that seem helpful and she does cold readings, using participant's charts and gets their feedback. It's very eye opening.

This class will help you go DEEPER into how to use the Nodes in understanding your own karmic contract!

If you like you can save money and purchase the Nodes bundle and get her Seattle Workshop on the Nodes as well. You can read the description of what is in that workshop on that product page.