LIMITED EDITION. ONLY 8 available. Get yours NOW!
Keep Your Guardian Angel with YOU at all times! This shimmering amethyst aura quartz crystal necklace with a beautiful 18" gold filled chain is magical. It's iridescent light pink & purple natural quartz is an amplifier to manifest: Divine Spiritual Protection, Receiving Messages from Crossed Over Loved One; Communication from your Guardian Angels.
It is made exclusively for Soul Navigation by the Illustrious Designer, featured in Vogue Magazine for her Desire Pendant, Dawn Wonder.
Receive messages from the other side -- Your Guardian Angels and Crossed Over Loved Ones will Communicate through this Magnetic Vessel! This breathtaking purple base color from the Amethyst with iridescent rainbow “flashes” is produced using a combination of Titanium, Silver and trace metals. This elegantly, hand crafted Aura Quartz Crystal necklace is made with genuine love, thoughtfulness and care, one at a time, and is infused with a powerful energy that becomes a magnetic attractor and amplifier. Each crystal necklace is blessed with loving energy and holds a different intention inside of it and comes with an 18" gold filled chain that lasts beautifully over time.
Each crystal is unique in its formation and every necklace is different and remarkable in it's own way - just as no two people are the same, no two crystals are alike. These are genuine crystals, hand picked and sourced - right from the earth, our beautiful Mother Nature; they are NOT manufactured. They are hand made in the USA at Dawn Wonder's beautiful studio. Each Crystal carries a high vibration & stimulating frequency because of the combination of quartz crystals, which is an energy amplifier, along with the essential minerals found in metals. Essential minerals are needed by all species, especially humans! Think of these crystals as vitamins for the Soul!
This breathtaking Aura Quartz Crystal is created by an alchemical process combining natural, precious metals with the quartz which turns them into brilliant shimmering colors to radiate energy. Charge them up in the sunshine and when you wear this stunning necklace you will feel the vibrational energy palpitate around your heart chakra. This powerful crystal necklace has the power of manifestation and is created for your intention to manifest a Deeper Divine Spiritual Connection and Communication with your Loved One who has already crossed over!
Dream BIG! Spoil Yourself! Order yours today! You Deserve It!
With love from, Meredith and Dawn
To see Dawn Wonder's entire collection of jewelry go to www.dawnwonder.com
To learn more about Soul Navigation go to www.soulnavigation.com